Pilbara events guide

This week
Wednesday, September 6
Sea Shepherd Stand Fast Fundraiser, Froth Craft, 6pm, $5 entry. Visit seashepherd40thanniversary.org.
Friday, September 8
Panel Q&A networking event by Karratha Young Professionals Karratha Quarter, 6.30pm-9.30pm, tickets $31.53. Visit eventbrite.com.au.
Beauty and the Geek quiz night, Karratha Leisureplex, 6.30pm, $120 for a table of eight. kingbaykrakens@hotmail.com.
Passion of the Pilbara launch party, Onslow Sports Club, 6pm. Visit ashburton.wa.gov.au.
Saturday, September 9
2017 Dampier Billycart Derby, Hampton Oval, 8am. Visit dampierbillycartderby.com.au.
Passion of the Pilbara Chefs in the garden, Onslow Community Garden, 9am-11:30am. Visit ashburton.wa.gov.au.
Sunday, September 10
Dampier Beachside Markets, Hampton Oval, 8.30am-11.30am, free. Visit wrappedcreations.com.au.
Passion of the Pilbara Thevenard Open Day, Mackerel Islands, 9:30am-6pm, $15-$125 a person. Contact bookings@mackerelislands.com.au or 9184 6444.
Monday, September 11
Women’s self-defence Jiu Jitsu seminar, 468 Croton Street, Tom Price, 6pm-8pm. Contact Ben on 0428 918 228.
Next week
Friday, September 15
REAF Launch Street Party, Sharpe Avenue, Karratha, 6pm, free. Visit reaf.com.au.
Ash Grunwald Live, Froth Craft, Exmouth, 8pm, tickets $50. Visit ashgrunwald.com.au.
The Ningaloo Centre Opening Event, Ningaloo Centre, Exmouth, 4:30pm-8pm. Visit facebook.com/shireofexmouth.
Saturday, September 16
REAF Comedy Under the Stars, Hampton Oval, Dampier, 7pm, tickets $59. Visit reaf.com.au.
Party in the Park, Federation Park, Exmouth, noon-4pm. Visit facebook.com/shireofexmouth.
50 Year Celebrations Military Ball, Ningaloo Centre, Exmouth, 6:30pm, tickets $150-$180. Visit trybooking/com/ZQZO.
Sunday, September 17
REAF Sunset Sessions, Hampton Oval, Dampier, 5pm, adults $59, kids $12, kids under 3 free. Visit reaf.com.au.
Exmouth 50 years beach day celebrations, Town Beach, Exmouth, 10am-1pm, free. Visit facebook.com/shireofexmouth.
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