Restrictions placed on mining bid

The City of Karratha has welcomed significant changes to an exploration application which would have seen mining activity take place within the town site.
Stoneform Holdings originally lodged an application to explore an area covering parts of the Karratha hills, Karratha Station and residential areas in Baynton.
Under the alterations, a no- mining clause would cover all bar a small section of the application on Karratha Station, according to the City of Karratha.
Mines and Petroleum Minister Sean L’Estrange said the application was being processed by the Department of Mines and Petroleum in accordance with the established processes for tenement applications.
“If the tenement is granted, standard conditions will require the tenement holder to obtain written consent from the City of Karratha prior to undertaking any activity within the town site boundary,” he said.
City of Karratha Mayor Peter Long said the decision to excise the town site from the exploration area was a win for the community.
“The City of Karratha did not support the application for a mining exploration licence in the Karratha hills as the hills are a much-loved part of Karratha and much of the proposed exploration area was contained within the town site, which made it inappropriate for mining,” he said.
“We are pleased that the Department of Mines and Petroleum has excised all of the town site from the exploration area.
“While our City supports mining activities, it is important that our industries are situated in appropriate areas that are outside our town sites and off our hills.”
Department of Mines and Petroleum mineral titles acting executive director Mike Wilde said the proposal would not move forward until it went through the native title process.
The notification period for the native title act closes on January 2.
The Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation, which runs Karratha Station and holds native title over the land in question, failed to respond by time of print.
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